Hi, I'm Omar.

Currently a Computer Science student at the University of Toronto.

Feel free to explore my projects or browse through my course notes.

If you want to get in touch with me, email is best.


Last updated July 10th, 2023.


HufCompress is a Flask-based python web application that allows users to compress and decompress files using the Huffman coding algorithm. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface for uploading files, performing compression or decompression, and displaying relevant information about the process.


PixelSketch is a javascript powered web app that allows users to create pixel art by drawing on a grid. It supports different drawing modes, such as color, rainbow, and eraser. Users can adjust the grid size and colors to create their desired artwork.


ResumeMatch implements a job-resume matching system using TF-IDF. It calculates the similarity between job descriptions and resumes by preprocessing the text using NLTK, creating TF-IDF vectors with scikit-learn, and calculating cosine similarity.


Tic-Tac-Toe AI is a pygame implementation that uses the minimax algorithm to create an unbeatable AI player. The minimax algorithm is a common approach used in game playing to determine the optimal move in a turn-based game.


Last updated on June 6th, 2023.

This is not a comprehensive list; I just post my notes for courses that others might find helpful.


Up to date.

Here is a copy of my resume.